Metal separators in cement plants
We have many years of experience in the production of magnetic separators and electromagnetic separators for the cement industry. Metal separation in cement plants is an extremely important process to ensure the purity of raw materials and prevent costly failures. Magnetic separators and metal detectors are used in the cement production process to clean limestone, clinker, slag and various types of additives.
Electromagnetic separator - raw material receiving facility.
Electromagnetic separator - raw material receiving facility (close-up).
Electromagnetic separator mounted on an overpass at a height of 15 m.
High-power electromagnetic separator - removal of tramp iron from rock output.
Electromagnetic separator station - removal of metal contaminants from clinker.
Electromagnetic separator - removal of metal contaminants from clinker.
Electromagnetic separator - removal of metal contaminants from cement additives.
Oil-cooled electromagnetic separator - clinker transport installation at 100 degrees Celsius.
Electromagnetic separator - removal of tramp iron from crushed limestone.
Metal detector - detecting metals in limestone.